Current Nostalgia (The Red Exhibition)


In the exhibition Current Nostalgia, Caroline has tried to understand how we value different craft traditions depending on which group has historically been associated with it. She examines unassuming objects that have remained within the domestic space, filled with knowledge and nostalgia; crocheted curtains, embroidered pillows, floral wallpaper. Crafts with strong associations to female making, traditions which I have just dismissed as something that simply belongs in a home, just mere decoration, objects she never viewed as important pieces of art . Based on old, found objects, Caroline develops new methods to recontextualize craft traditions that she feels have historically had a lower status and discuss the gender hierarchies behind this. By combining different crafts with each other, she wants to create a new context, where precious and impressive craft objects which are often left within the home can be re-evaluated in a contemporary society.

Current Nostalgia was presented as a solo show at Blås och Knåda in the spring of 2024.

All images by Alexander Beveridge